Last year, we were thrilled to produce online content with Waltham Forest Borough to celebrate the signing of the employee pledge and to promote the London Borough of Culture’s ground-breaking photographic exhibition “Who Are The 1 in 4?”.
Our Approach
We created a series of stigma-busting videos for Time to Change involving champions and council members from the local area expressing their stories and displaying commitments to reducing the discrimination and stigma attached around mental health. Click on the image above to watch a video (made by us) about the Time To Change movement.
The Results
Our videos reinforced the council commitment to mental health to staff, employers and the community of Waltham Forest streaming online and DOOH. We absolutely love being a part of this campaign as mental health awareness is something Byte Entertainment are really passionate in promoting - and we cannot wait to show what else is coming up with the council in the future.
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you if you have a project that needs content production or any exciting new projects that you want to make a reality. Do give us a call on +44 208 123 2983 or email us at hello@byteentertainment.com to arrange a virtual consultation with our development team.